Monday, January 22, 2018

Getting Water & Finding Food

Getting Fresh Water & How to Filter it Unfresh

As we all know, the human body cannot survive for more than three days without water. It is essential to have it. Here I will show you how to filter water, and how to know if it's already fresh.

Method #1 For Water

Streams like this have fresh water because they come out of the ground. Fill a water bottle up and take it with you.

Method #2 For Water

Filter your muddy water source through a backpack or shirt. Dip it in and hold your water bottle under it. The water will come out clean.

Finding Food

Take a long stick and a vine. Tie the vine around the stick's tip. (Note) the vine must be ten inches or more to reach far enough. Take a brier and  dig a hole in the end of your new line.

Do this until the brier will stay in the hole. Stick a spider, ant, or any other insect on the thorn, and you have your bait. Find a nice pond and cast out.

When you reel in a fish, you will have to gut it. Catfish would be the best eating because they're bigger.

Gutting Your Catch

Gutting your fish would be the hardest part. Assuming you caught a catfish, here's how. 

Start with cutting off the tail, then the head. Fillet the catfish from the tail up. Cut along the backbone until you hit the ribs. Then cut the from the top down, beside the spine, and let the edge follow the ribs.

Prepare it for eating.


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